Sunday, December 21, 2008

Take a journal with me . . . .

Right now, the thought of transforming your life can appear quite daunting, intimidating, and even sometimes discouraging. However, by simply shifting your perspective across the ways you view varying aspects, this journey can begin. Below, we will guide you to Stop Existing and Start Living.

Over the next four days, you will be journaling, setting some big-picture goals, and completing some exercises. Please set aside around 20 minutes a day to reflect on some of your past, present, and future goals. Be very specific about your thoughts and feelings, and just write what you think and feel. If you currently journal, we encourage you to try this different approach over the next few days to capture further insight than what you may be logging.

Use the questions below as a catalyst to help spark your thoughts and feelings around who you really are, your genuine self. It is important during these initial first days to not be afraid to peel back the layers of the proverbial onion and be true and honest with your thoughts and feelings.

Journaling Catalysts:

  • What did you daydream about when you were a kid?

  • What are your most inner beliefs and values? Are you living them?

  • What matters most to you?

  • What have been the proudest moments of your life? The happiest?

  • What dreams or goals would you be embarrassed for other people to know that you have?

  • What activities would the 24 hours of your absolutely perfect day contain?

  • If you had just one year to live, how would you spend it?

  • What are your biggest challenges today? If you could overcome these – what would change? What would be better?

  • What are your best qualities? Your worst?

  • Are there things you “think” you are good at, but you know you really are not?

  • What are you capable of doing that no one else is?

  • How do you want others to perceive you?

  • How do you want to be remembered?

  • Who are the people who have made the most positive impact/had the biggest influence on your life?

  • Who do you most admire in life, and why?

  • What achievements do the people you most admire share?

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