Monday, October 13, 2008

Hello Fellow Bliss Seekers! I can't believe it's almost midnight on a school night and we are still awake. So, let's just recap - bottle of wine, check. Inappropriate man talk, check. Political discussion/Shock and awe over current selections of leaders for the alledged greatest country in the world - check. Now, did I mention that all of this occured after Samira ventured into the twilight zone known as . . dun dun dun . . . the burbs. She filled up the car, packed a meal, grabbed her passport and some small luggage to come and visit me in my new home. An hour and a half and several missed turns later she arrived. My son awaiting her arrival soon grew very tired as what turned from an early dinner arrival became a nightcap. But then again, this is what happens to those inner loopers that get outside of their zone. (I know because I was once one of them, before the burb bodysnatchers inducted me into the cult).

OK, so now our Blissful Bits for the day:
1. Always be accountable to someone other than yourself. It is too easy to talk yourself down from taking that leap of faith, and tandem skydiving always seemed safer!
2. On the road of life, notice the speedbumps. They can slow you down, but sometimes the pause is necessary to speed you along in the right direction.
3. True Bliss is realizing what's important despite the ups and downs and keeping that constant.

Good night everyone, we wish you great sleep and blissful dreams!
Mon and Samira

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello dear friends -

It's been quite a while since we've written. At first, we were getting used to blogging. Then, our friend hurricane Ike rolled into town and put a damper (no pun intended) on our business plan. So, after what seems like weeks of yard clearing, fence fixing, no electricity, no cable, we're finally up and running again. There's nothing like a natural disaster to re-focus what's important and count your blessings. One minute, we're worried about business plans, financing and bank accounts. The next minute, we're worried about the roof being ripped off and a tree falling onto our house.

But, the pause that Ike provided only solidified our desire to really make this happen. It became more clear than ever how much comfort and joy we received from engaging in the OYB Process, and developing our business plan and strategy. In a time of turmoil, chaos, and uncertainty, we craved the regular and creative space of our weekly meetings. So, we've decided to update our blog when we meet, with our latest and greatest thoughts.