Monday, January 5, 2009

OK, so it's the fifth and January and your To-Do lists are already extending to March and you can't quite figure out where to start. Everyone around you is making New Year's resolutions, but you want to do something better, something bigger, something that will last longer than just a couple of days. So make a pact with yourself to Resolve to Change . . . Resolve to OWN YOUR BLISS. Try these blissful bits to start awakening all aspects of your wellness this year.

Spiritual - Sit down, relax, breathe and truly exhale
Emotional - Hug and kiss your family members and tell them you love them, every day!
Financial - Start that savings plan, and deposit $50 into your savings account
Physical - Put on your tennis shoes and walk around the block.
Mental - Read SOMETHING!!! Anything . . . . a magazine, news article, the back of the cereal box, just exercise your mind..
Social - Arrange a lunch with a friend you haven't seen in a few months.

For more information about owning your bliss, visit our website at