Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blissful Chicks Revealed !

Who are we? Why did we create Own Your Bliss? What is this all about? Here is the beginning of the answers....

A Message from Monica:

In the blink of an eye life is always changing. Everyone says you have to be prepared . . . life happens. My life did a 180 before I could even realize what had happened. Within what seemed like minutes I went from being a single, successful female living in the Northeast, to a married working mother living in the suburbs in the South. By all societal definitions, I had it all . . . a wonderful career, a loving husband, a beautiful, healthy baby boy, and a new home in a master planned community. However, all of this left me wondering is there something more? All of that wondering started to drive me, and in turn my family crazy. So I woke up one morning and decided it was time to take action.

Everyone would love a chance to press the do-over button and start something again. My do-over would be my career. Success doesn’t always equal fulfillment, and that is what led me to Own Your Bliss. In a silo thinking world, quitting my job and finding something else would be the obvious solution. However, this goes deeper than that. I started to realize that this lack of fulfillment was quickly spreading everywhere: physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually I felt like I was at my worst! Things weren’t going to magically fix themselves, but I needed a plan. Big things needed to happen, and then it hit me, “I don’t have the guts to do what I need to because I don’t have a plan, and I don’t have a plan because I don’t have the guts to confront reality.

This guide will give you the opportunity to do just that, take control of your life’s plan and then you can truly live and Own Your Bliss!

A Message from Samira:

Own Your Bliss works. When I started this process I was an in-house corporate tax attorney at a multi-national oil company. I had an overactive social life, a strained relationship with my family, and an extra 10 pounds following me everywhere. I thought I was very happy and was living the life of my dreams. I wasn’t. And, it wasn’t until I examined my life through the OYB framework that I was able to see the truth.

The truth was that I wasn’t happy, and my life wasn’t going the way I wanted it to. And, OYB uncovered this in a very neutral, non-threatening way, AND provided me the critical next steps necessary to effectuate change. That’s what I was always scared of – if I start to go deep and don’t like what I see – what am I going to do about it? OYB had the answer right there – right when I uncovered the truth.

I created this process to help others like me – those whose lives look so happy and great on the outside – but they know something is missing on the inside. Nothing else I’ve ever encountered helped me in the way OYB did, and that’s why we keep tweaking, improving, testing, re-designing, and developing the OYB process. It becomes a way of life – a way that encourages and guides you to true happiness in a natural way.

Now, I am a successful entrepreneur, living a balanced healthy lifestyle, am in a loving relationship with my family and am truly happy and Owning My Bliss.